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The Labex Labs

The Institute of the origins of Lyon (LIO), is a project which brings together 18 teams from four research units of excellence: le Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, l'Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon, le Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement, le Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon and the COMET joint service unit; or approximately 205 researchers and teachers, engineers, technicians and permanent administrative staff.

Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, CRAL

CRAL is a laboratory working on fundamental research in astrophysics and in developing instrumentations for major observatories.
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Institut de Physique des 2 Infinis de Lyon, IPNL

The laboratory studies the properties and interactions of sub-atomic particles.
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Laboratoire de Géologie de Lyon - Terre, Planètes, Environnement, LGL-TPE

The scientific objectives are to understand the formation of the Earth and its evolution and to better apprehend the appearance of life and its development.
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Le Laboratoire de Physique de l'ENS de Lyon, LPENSL

Activities of the Physics Laboratory cover various fields, from statistical physics to hydrodynamic turbulence, including also mathematical physics and signal processing but also soft and condensed matter.
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L'Unité mixte de service COMET,

The object of the UMS is to pool financial, human and material resources at the Lyon Observatory, to ensure any structuring action of a transversal nature.
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LIO Steering Committee

The LIO Steering Committee is organized by the University of Lyon to supervise the overall compliance of the LIO project with its overall goal and its objectives, as well as its overall budget schedule. 

Science Board

The LIO Science Board supervises the development of the LIO project (research, R&D, training, technology transfer) and advises the Executive Committee on the scientific advances in the disciplines covered by LIO. It is also responsible for defining profiles and selecting candidates for the International Post-Doctoral Program (IPP) and defining themes for international conferences and summer schools. The Scientific Council is composed of 25 members: the Directors of the 4 laboratories, 11 members elected from researchers in LIO teams, and 10 members outside the laboratories.

Executive Committee

The LIO Executive Committee, working under the project’s Scientific Coordinator, is responsible for the operational implementation of LIO actions. The Committee includes the Directors of the four founding laboratories (assisted by one Deputy Director per laboratory). Leads will be named for each of LIO’s action programs, and will join the Executive Committee for implementing the corresponding actions. The Executive Committee, chaired by the Scientific Coordinator, meets at least six times a year.

18 research teams

CRAL, Team AstroENS

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IP2I, Team Physique des Particules

IP2I, Team Physique Hadronique

IP2I, Team Neutrinos

IP2I, Team Matière Nucléaire


IP2I, Team Cosmologie

IP2I, Team Ondes Gravitationnelles

IP2I, Team Théorie

IP2I, Team Interactions Particules Matière

LGL-TPE, Team Terre et Planètes

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LGL-TPE, Team Surface et Lithosphère

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LGL-TPE, Team Biosignatures - Vie primitive

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LGL-TPE, Team Paléoenvironnement et Paléobiodiversité

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LPENSL, Team sur les Ecoulements Géophysiques

LPENSL, Team sur les Intéractions Fondamentales