The LIO is one of the 103 LabEx that continue from 2020 to 2024!
On February 8, 2019, Frédérique Vidal, Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation and Guillaume Boudy, Secretary General for Investment, announced the list of 103 laboratories of excellence (LabEx) that the Premier Minister Edouard Philippe has decided to extend for 5 years.
In the new structure, LIO2 will support the international visibility and excellence of the “big science” related to the search for the origins, through R&D, prototyping, manufacturing, assembly, integration and tests for major international projects (LHC, ELT, DUNE, LIGO/VIRGO, etc.), High Performance Computing at the European level (PRACE), and cutting-edge metrology.
Plan LIO
The dynamics of the LIO facilities, from the first phase (LIO1, 2011-2019) of implementation of facilities, to the second phase (LIO2, 2020-2024) of integration, inter-partner actions and community reinforcement, and to the perspective for 2024+.
LIO2 will propose innovative training curricula to academic students, technicians and engineers with access to these cutting-edge facilities, and it will produce several technological transfers to the private sector, as it already did during LIO1.
Finally, the LIO2 labs will also interact more closely with the Humanities in the newly created PFR, to propose answers to societal questions about the origins.