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ASTRO educational platform

The ASTRO project consists of transforming the 1 meter telescope at the Saint-Genis-Laval site into a real educational platform for Bachelor and Master students. This made it possible to purchase optical equipment (spectrograph, camera) and repair current installations.

Increasing observation possibilities at the Saint-Genis site maximizes the chances for students to obtain usable data for astrophysical observation projects throughout the year. This type of project fits easily into different astrophysics courses (from L3) in addition to existing teaching, or within the framework of specific teaching in small groups (continuing training courses for teachers, TIPE, projects).

Spectrographie moyenne résolution LHIRES III
Spectrographie moyenne résolution LHIRES III
Spectrographie haute résolution - spectrographe "échelette" R=10000 à fibre optique
Spectrographie haute résolution - spectrographe "échelette" R=10000 à fibre optique

Opposite, two spectrography devices. The first is an LHIRES III model used for medium resolution spectrography (left picture), and the second is an R=10000 fiber optic 'echelon' model, used for high resolution spectrography (right picture).

This new equipment has made it possible to carry out several scientific projects: determining the orbit parameters of near-Earth asteroids from series of imaging observations, acquisition of spectra of bright stars, identification of lines, spectral classification, acquisition of spectra of binaries, or even characterization of binary systems.

Published on January 29, 2024