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The Origins of Matter: Higgs Boson, neutrinos and gravitational waves


Le grand collisionneur de hadrons, au Cern. — CERN

Among labEX LIO’s main topics of study are the origins of matter (Higgs boson) and of matter/antimatter asymmetry (neutrino oscillations), and the detection of gravitational waves. The Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon (IPNL) is LIO’s partner laboratory on the subject.

The IPNL researchers associated with labEX LIO study the basic building blocks of matter, as well as their interactions, from three angles. Particle physics is concerned with studying the famous Higgs boson, quarks and leptons, as well as neutrinos and their oscillations, which provide a path toward a new physics. Theoretical physics draws on fundamental concepts of matter and its interactions to solve the mysteries of dark matter and dark energy, as well as the structure of the atomic nucleus and ion collisions. IPNL’s specialists in nuclear and hadronic physics focus on the properties and structure of nuclei under extreme conditions—research that makes hadron therapy for tumors possible.

Interview with Guy Chanfray, Director of the Institute of Nuclear Physics of Lyon
Article by My Science Work

Key figures

1 research project

- Clean rooms

3 inovative projects

- Fastrack

9 LIO staff

Nicolas Bizot, 2 years postdoc at IPNL
Haiying Cai, 3 years postdoc at IPNL
Camilo Carrillo Montoya, 3 years postdoc at l'IPNL
Gaëtan Castelneau, 2 years electronics expert at IPNL
Iulia Companis, 3 years postdoc at IPNL
Martin Gonzalez Alonso, 3 years postdoc at IPNL
Bo Li, 3 years postdoc at IPNL
Romain Maisonobe, 2 years postdoc at IPNL
Yvan Vallois, PhD student at IPNL

5 doctoral and pre-doctoral schools

7 scientific events